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GSO Test

We are a Co-operative Multi-Academy Trust, with six member schools within the Essex area.

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Upholding the fruit of the spirit to learn and grow together
in God's amazing world Galatians 5 22:23

Welcome to the Doddinghurst Church of England Junior School Website.

We hope that this site provides you with information and an insight into our wonderful school community.

Doddinghurst is a small junior school set in a rural location. We are fortunate to benefit from large playing fields and a beautiful woodland that we endeavour to enjoy throughout the year. The school is located close to All Saints’ Church with whom we are grateful to share a very close relationship.

At Doddinghurst we provide a friendly, safe, and calm learning environment. This enables children to succeed academically, creatively, musically, and personally. Doddinghurst is an inclusive school where children are encouraged to celebrate and enjoy the success of each other.

The school vision statement is “upholding the fruit of the spirit to learn and grow together in God’s amazing world”. To focus on this, we follow seven core Christian and Co-operative values. These are resilience and determination, excellence, strive, pride, equality and diversity, Christ centred and togetherness. These values are creatively embedded throughout all aspects of the school curriculum by our hardworking teaching and support staff.

I am proud to be the Headteacher of Doddinghurst Church of England Junior School. I have a long-held belief that if you work hard and keep the faith then good things will happen. I am keen to encourage aspirational thinking throughout the school and take great pride in seeing our children’s confidence blossom. I also recognise that education is a partnership between home and school and as such I very much welcome parents’ interest and support.

Mr Russell Davies 

Nut Free Zone

Ofsted 2023

We are very proud to have been graded - Good - in our recent Ofsted inspection. 

Click here to view the report